

"Hi! Im challanger support since season 8. I can teach you how to die less, have more impact on game, when and where put wards, laning phase, mid game, late game. If you will want coaching on lulu i can teach you everything about her (when trade, roam, matchups etc). I prefer to analyze your game."

EU English Polish


Jungle Top

"As a Challenger jungler, I will teach you how to have efficient jungle pathing combined with clears, map awareness, objectives, shotcalling, and everything about your champ pool."

EU English Bulgarian


Mid Support

"During Coaching Session we will look over all the mistakes go through all of em. I will teach you mid lane laning/mid/late game phase, midlane macro, fundamentals, wave freeze, how to play/what to do with all kinds of matchups etc."

EU English


Any Role

"I played in teams professionally for 4 years and had some coaching experience im always ready for help. One session consists of pretalk (opgg, champs, issues), live game review or vod review, feedback and advice."

EU English

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League of Legends Coaching

How does this work?

You select a coach and number of coaching hours you want from this page, and after you have paid you will be sent to an order page where you can talk to your coach to schedule and plan out your coaching session.

What will be covered during the coaching?

Our coaches use various methods to teach depending on your level of skill and needs. After you have made your order you will be able to talk to your coach and he will figure out together with you what would be the best way to fast-track your progression and improvement.

Can we start immediately after I purchase?

Yes, most of the time you will be able to as long as the coach is available. However, if either of you are unable to start then you can schedule another time to do it. Your coach will try to work around your schedule as long as you let him know when you are available.

What our clients say

4.92 out of 5 stars from 19790 customer reviews

What is LoL Coaching and how does it work?

LoL coaching works just the same as coaching for any other sport like Tennis, Golf or even Poker. We pair you up with an experienced and professional LoL player (usually ranked in Grandmaster or Challenger) who knows exactly how to help you achieve accelerated improvement in terms of mechanics, strategy, decision making, mental game, to ensure you stay at the top of your game. All of our coaches also happen to be boosters, so they are all experts at climbing ranked and will be able to teach you the best ways to climb the LoL ranked ladder.

Our coaches employ a variety of methods to teach their students depending on your needs and current skill level. Before your coaching session begins you will have a chat with your coach and the two of you can figure out the best way to carry out your coaching.

You can inform your coach of areas you think you need help on, whether it’s your mechanics, your laning, rotations, or simply not being good at playing the late game. If you are not sure where you are lacking or what you would like to work on, your coach will decide for you.

League of Legends Coaching

What happens after I purchase my LoL Coaching?

As soon as you have made payment, you will be redirected back to our website and onto your own order page. Over here you will have access to a chat you can use to communicate with your coach.

Coaching order page

You can then arrange with your coach when you would like to have your coaching session and also any of the other finer details you have in mind for your coaching.

Coaching order page

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who would be my coach?

Our coaches are all top players in their respective fields and roles, and also boosters on our website. Most of them have years of experience with boosting and coaching and know the best ways to improve and climb the ranked ladder.

2. When will my coaching lesson start, and what if I have a busy schedule?

Usually we will start as soon as we can. Depending on you and your coach's availability. If you have a busy schedule or prefer to arrange something ahead of time, you can do so with your coach on your order page after you have purchased. We will do our best to work around your schedule.

3. What will be taught during my lessons?

This will depend on your skill level and also what you discuss with your coach beforehand. Different coaches have different methods of teaching but they are flexible and can definitely work around your needs. Feel free to let them know what you want to work on and they will be sure to accommodate your requests.

4. Ok, I've made payment. What now?

After your payment goes through, you will be redirected back to our site and to your order page where you can talk to your coach to arrange a day and time to have your lessons. You can also ask him any questions there or figure out what you want to work on during your coaching.

5. Can I get a refund or change of coach?

Yes, you can. Please contact our live chat support and we will be happy to help you on this. Please note, we can only refund lesson hours that have not been used yet.

6. Can I duo queue with my coach?

This depends on you and your coach. However, please note that coaching and our duo queue boosting services are different types of services that serve different purposes. If you are expecting to duo to a certain rank with your coach, that is not how this would work so do bear that in mind before purchasing.

Why LoL Coaching and with Hero Boosting?

At Hero Boosting we offer our services to all who need it. Whether you don’t have the time to play, or you simply can’t stand the horrible ladder games filled with trolls and toxic bullies anymore. We not only provide boosting services, but coaching as well. Our coaches are also boosters and because of that they know all the best ways to climb the ladder and will be able to impart invaluable knowledge to you, the student!

What you do get from buying LoL Coaching with Hero Boosting

The dedication and 100% of our team’s commitment to serving you. We have been in the games boosting and coaching industry for a long time so we know exactly what our customers want, and how to achieve that in the way that benefits them the most. If you choose us for all your LoL boosting and coaching needs, you will not be disappointed.

As a part of our commitment to helping you achieve all your LoL ranked desires, we have almost 24/7 customer support and professional boosters and coaches available worldwide every day, every hour of the day waiting to service your every need. If you make your LoL coaching purchase here at Hero Boosting, all of this will be available to you at a moment’s notice.

If you’re uncertain or skeptical of our LoL coaching service at any point in time, we encourage you to get in touch with us or to take a look at our reviews. They are all written by our paying customers and completely uncensored. Yes, we even leave the bad reviews there for all to see. Even we make mistakes sometimes, but we’re always striving to correct ourselves and be better.

When all that’s said and done, everything we do is for you, the customer. If we have convinced you, we hope to see you soon after you make your very first LoL coaching order with us. Rest assured, you will not regret it!